Top 5 Sites to learn WEB DEVELOPMENT for free

Searching for courses and sites to learn Web Development and still in the confusion where to start ?

confused about learning web development

Here we are going to tell you about top 5 SITES from where you can learn WEB DEVELOPMENT and start making SITES


Short Introduction to web development

Basically a website is made using HTML, CSS, client scripting (javascript, VBscript etc) and Server Scripting (PHP, Pearl etc)

Server Side Scripting
Server Scripting
client side scripting
Client Side Scripting

HTML It is like skeleton of website.

CSS – It acts like the muscles and outer decoration of site.

Client Side Scripting – This is nervous system of the site.

Server Side Scripting Brain of the site ( this helps the website to run dynamically and store data on database on server machine ).


1. MDN web docs

MOTO of MDN web docs is “Resources for developers, by developers “. It is site by MOZILLA which has provided a wonderful documentation on web development.

MDN homepage

Yes, you have heard right it that mozilla which has made MOZILLA FIREFOX web browser.

You can find proper written tutorials, syntax, examples and brief description on HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT.

People usually get confused between JAVA and JAVASCRIPT. But one thing which should remain in our mind is that java and javascrpit are completely different things. Java is a programming language and javascript is scripting language.

MDN javascript

CLICK HERE to visit MDN web docs :

2. W3Schools

It is world’s largest web developer site on internet. You will get to see each and every topic related to web development and infinite example codes here. You can test your codes, make changes in the example codes and check the changes on online editor.

w3schools search
w3schools homepage

Tutorials On are:

  1. HTML Tutorial
  2. CSS Tutorial
  3. SQL Tutorial
  4. JavaScript Tutorial
  5. PHP Tutorial
  6. More Server Side Scripting Tutorials ( ASP, Node.js, Raspberry Pi )
  7. More Client Side Scripting Tutorials ( jQuery, React, AngularJS, JSON, AJAX and W3.JS )

You can also find tutorials on PYTHON programming language with exercise problems.

w3schools content

CLICK HERE to visit W3Scools :

3. Solo Learn

All the courses available on solo learn website are interactive and free.

solo learn site

One of the most appealing features of SoloLearn is its robust Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Typing in code isn’t always fun on a mobile keyboard, but the built-in IDE’s powerful auto-complete feature eased much of the pain.

Solo Learn App

SoloLearn is a series of free apps that allows users to learn a variety of programming languages and concepts through short lessons, code challenges, and quizzes. Lessons are written with the beginner in mind, so anyone can learn to read and write their own code

solo learn app code playground

Click HERE to visit Solo Learn Site:

4. YouTube Videos

Nowadays YouTube is a great platform to learn anything online. I know, I know there are lot of courses people provide for free on YouTube. People often waste their time on the courses which give not positive output.

Here is a list of YouTube channels you can checkout and expand your leaning.

A. Dev Ed

Here is the description of channel:

“Learn web development, web design, 3d modelling, tools like figma and more without getting bored! The goes of this channel is to get you to become as creative you can be! So if you like to create video games in Unity or develop an application in node.js, stick around and have fun!”

Dev Ed YouTube Channel

Check out some videos of Dev Ed


B. Web Dev Simplified

Here is the description of channel:

“Web Dev Simplified is all about teaching web development skills and techniques in an efficient and practical manner. If you are just getting started in web development Web Dev Simplified has all the tools you need to learn the newest and most popular technologies to convert you from a no stack to full stack developer. Web Dev Simplified also deep dives into advanced topics using the latest best practices for you seasoned web developers. I started Web Dev Simplified in order to share my passion for web development, and do what I truly love. Teach and inspire new web developers. I have been in love with full stack web development since 2015 when I did my first internship as a web developer. Ever since then I have pursued my passion, learning everything there is to know about web development. Over the years I have taught many colleagues and friends the joys of web development, and cannot wait to teach you.”

Check out some videos of Web Dev Simplified

C. TheNewBoston

It is one of the best YouTube channel to learn any programming related stuff. Bucky Roberts know more than 30 programming languages. His way of explaining things in a humorous way is excellent.

Here is the description of channel:

“Tons of sweet computer related tutorials and some other awesome videos too!”

Check out some videos of The New Boston

D. LeanCode.Academy

Here is the description of channel :

“100% FREE Web Development tutorials, web site design tutorials and more. Including, but not limited to: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CSS Layouts, Responsive Design, React.js, Node.js, Angular.js, Docker, Dev Ops, Server Administration, Deployment Strategies.”

Check out some videos of LearnCode Academy

E. Web Dev

It is not a course teaching channel instead it is a design oriented channel. You will got to learn how to made different animations on website, the flow of coding a site and designing a dynamic web page.

Check out some videos of Web Dev :

5. Books


Books are always been the best way to learn anything without stressing our eyes and brain. Even if someone is learning online he/she should keep some books (documentation) with oneself. It is good to look into some books about some code or stuff like that.

Here are some of the books available on WEB Develepment :

At last,there will be times when reading these books feels terribly frustrating. If you are new to these stuffs, there will be a lot of new material to digest. Much of these material will then be combined in ways that require you to make additional connections.

It is up to you to make the necessary effort. When you are struggling to follow the book, do not jump to any conclusions about your own capabilities. You are fine—you just need to keep at it. Take a break, reread some material, and make sure you read and understand the example programs and exercises. Learning is hard work, but everything you learn is yours and will make subsequent learning easier.

With that said, lets end this blog and start learning today. But don’t forget to check our latest articles about various fields. Links are given below:

4 thoughts on “Top 5 Sites to learn WEB DEVELOPMENT for free

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