10 effective ways to get rid out of your BELLY FAT


Belly fat, one of the most annoying to have, and a soft target for the people who practice body shaming.

Belly fat, also know as visceral fat, is considered as the promoter of major health diseases, which includes Diabetes, Blood Pressure problems, Respiratory disorders and so on.

But don’t worry, this article will discuss various facts about belly fat and it will also provide some scientifically proven tips to reduce belly fat.

Remember one thing, reducing belly fat is all about maintaining good diet plan and keeping the tips in your mind. You will realize gradual difference within one month.


The first and foremost cause of overweight is overeating and moving too less. When you consume more calories and not burn them, you’ll starts gaining more fat in your abdominal and suffer from obesity or few other diseases.

Secondly, having an uneven sleep and taking too much stress in your mind are also one of the factors by dint of which you gain more belly fat.

Lastly, diet also plays an important role in maintaining your belly weight.When you follow a diet plan which have more percentage of carbs and less percentage of soluble fibers and protein then that plan won’t gonna help you to loss your belly weight rather it’ll increase your weight. So, try to implement a diet plan which contains less carbs and fat proportion.


How to measure your Belly Fat


Well, there are so many ways through which you can measure your abdominal fat for instance, CT scan or MRI, Skinfold Calipers and through some other techniques. However, there’s one simple method by which you can calculate your belly fat at your home without paying any single penny; take one measuring tap, wrap it around your abdominal particularly at your belly button and mark your girth.

For man this measurement should be less than or equal to 40 inches and for woman it should be less than or equal to 35 inches.

Is Belly Fat dangerous for health?

“Fat is not just a depot to store energy,” Klein says. “It’s a very active endocrine organ that produces hormones, inflammatory proteins and fatty acids and secretes them into the bloodstream.”

So whenever you eat, have a look at its nutrients like protein, fiber etc.

Belly fat can cause so many severe problems in your day to day life. It makes you feel lethargic, it don’t make you feel enthusiastic while doing your work.

Apart from this, it causes so many severe health problems like

Before reading further, you must read our previous article about a healthy and good diet plan, because reducing belly fat is all about a well balanced diet plan, it is also mentioned in point number 4 of this article.

Healthy Diet Plan for both: Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians


Top 10 Scientifically Proven tips to reduce Belly Fat

1. Exercise regularly

Exercise is one of the best ways in order to lose your belly weight. Exercises, particularly cardio exercises, can burn your calories faster as compared to abdominal exercises.

Aerobic exercise (cardio exercise) like walking on treadmill or simply walking on track, can help you to burn your abdominal fat faster than any other exercise. Studies has proved that when you walk at brisk pace for around 30 minutes, it can burn about 100 – 300 of calories (depending on your weight).

2. Don’t consume too much Alcohol

Studies suggests that drinking too much alcohol can likely gain your belly fat. Although alcohol have few benefits, but when you consume more than necessary it can become a poison for your health

Alcohol causes weight gain as it gives you surplus calories, which lastly increase your fat by redistributing it in your body. Moreover, alcohol weakens your burning capacity of fat and it makes you feel more hungry.

Lastly, will you gain weight by consuming alcohol or not also depends on the time when you are drinking and how much are you drinking everyday.


3. Avoid food that contain too much Unhealthy Fat

When you eat foods which contain more fat and less protein and fiber, it leads you towards more belly fat as it contains excessive calories.

So, when you consume more fat in your body, you are indirectly consuming more calories in your body and if you don’t burn these calories it may increase your belly fat.

In conclusion, there’s one request to all of you; whenever you consume foods or beverages, have a look at its nutrients that how much fat that food have. If you take 1500 to 2000 of calories daily you have to consume 40-70 gram of fat.


4. Implement a diet plan which contain rich Protein and Soluble Fiber

High protein diet makes you satisfied with your food, increase your metabolism, and it leads you towards low calorie consumption. However, when you follow a diet plan which has low proportion of protein, it’ll make you feel hungry and increase your belly fat.

Fibers, especially soluble, can help you to loose your weight. Although fibers are difficult to digest, this soluble fibers get transform into bacteria which aids by burning the unnecessary calories, so convert some calories into energy.

5. Consume less Carbs

Even though carbohydrate is an essential nutrient which we need daily, it may increase your belly weight when you consume high amount of carbs. When you consume 1500 of calories in a day you have to take 300 grams of carbs a day. But when you are willing to lose your weight, the carbs consumption amount should become more than half, i.e,50 – 100 grams.

However, research shows that it’s not necessary to follow a low carbs diet plan. All you have to do is don’t eat foods which contain refined carbs because such carbs not only increase your belly fat but also causes many other health problems. Rather than consuming refined carbs, it’s always better to eat whole carbs because they are unprocessed and contain the fibers which are found naturally in the foods.

6. Cut back on Sugary Foods and Beverages

Cutting out on sugary foods items can prevent you from gaining weight. Such beverages have high calories which make you feel more hungry when you start eating them more frequently.

So, whenever you want to eat something, eat foods which are in high protein, soluble fibers and whole carbs. Not the one which has excess sugar proportion.


7. Avoid Sugary Drinks and Fruit Juices

Unambiguously, fruit juice is one of the best liquid to drink, however, when you consume it daily it may increase your weight as fruit juice contain natural sugar. So try to drink juice in moderation because fruits contain essential nutrients like fibers, carbs, vitamins which are necessary to consume.

Apart from fruit juice, other sugary drinks like Energy drink, Coca-Cola, Sprite, Maaza etc are not healthier. These drinks contains huge amount of sugar and few other unhealthy content which leads you towards a stubborn belly fat.

8. Reduce your Stress level

Stress? How stress can increase out weight? This question might be roaming into your head. But this is the truth.

Scientifically, whenever you are stressed your body releases adrenaline and cortisol in your bloodstream and produce glucose, which lastly converts into energy that we need in order to escape from a risky situation.

Once you come outside from that problem, your blood sugar drops quickly and here cortisol play its role by replenishing your energy supply and as a repercussion of this you feel more hungry and choose wrong food to consume which eventually increase your abdominal fat.


9. Take neccesessary amount of Sleep

Sleep also plays a crucial role in maintaining your body weight. When you sleep more/less than necessary then your body weight starts gaining.

Sleep deprivation causes changes to hormones that regulate hunger and appetite. It releases leptin hormone which encourages your body to expend energy as it make you feel more hungry.

Every age group have to take different amount of sleep. Here’s the full information on how many hours you have to sleep according to your age:

10. Track your Food consumption and Exercise

No matter how much exercise you do or how much calories you consume daily, if you don’t track your calorie consumption and exercise, how you can understand how much you’re burning and consuming your calories.

So, here’re some apps that you can install on your Android or iOS in which few apps are free of cost and in few you have to pay a little:

  1. Healthifyme
  2. 30 days fitness challenge
  3. Fitbit
  4. Lose it
  5. My Fitness Pal
  6. My Net dairy
  7. Jefit

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3 thoughts on “10 effective ways to get rid out of your BELLY FAT

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