Tips for interview preparation

Learn about some key factors which plays an important role during a job interview. Quickly act on them and improve your performance. You will also learn how to answer some questions asked in interview.

Tips to boost your SELF CONFIDENCE

If you're looking to improve your self-confidence, it's important to note that it is not something you can achieve overnight, but surely you can accomplish it if you have a proper routine and discipline in your day-to-day life.

Make a Good Habit or Get Rid of Bad Habit

Don't know how to start getting positive changes? If you don't know how to get usual with good habits, like reading books and practicing yoga, or how to throw away your bad habits , like smoking and drinking, then you must read this practical article to start getting positive changes in your-self.

RAMAYANA- AN EPIC History To Remember

As we all know that, the lock-down period is going on, and all of us can feel the heat and frustration of it. The whole world is fighting against the pandemic of COVID-19. Therefore, a very good initiative was taken by the DoorDarshan Telecasting group on March 28, to re-telecast the great mythological series: RAMAYANA and MAHABHARATA; including the famous old serials BYOMKESH BAKSHI, SHAKTIMAN and CIRCUS.

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